All Grins on Deck
Delta Dental Of Idaho Community Outreach.
Delta Dental Of Idaho

— Giving Back —
To Idaho's Communities

Delta Dental of Idaho invests over $2 million yearly to provide valuable outreach programs for Idaho students and aging adults.

Grins on the Go is a free cavity prevention clinic for income-qualifying elementary and middle schools statewide. Since the program started, more than 162,000 students have received dental sealants, fluoride varnish, and education services.

GrinWell for You provides access to free preventive and restorative dental procedures to income-qualifying Idaho adults in two age groups: adults aged 26-34 and those over 60. The program helps them establish a dental home.

— Community Outreach —
Going Beyond Benefits

Continue reading below to see how Delta Dental of Idaho’s Community Outreach programs are making an impact across Idaho!

What Community Outreach programs are available?

Grins on the Go

With more than 51 million school hours lost each year to dental disease*, Delta Dental of Idaho created the Grins on the Go program. This mobile dental clinic that visits income-qualifying elementary and middle schools throughout Idaho during the school year. These visits, performed by professional hygienists, include fluoride varnish and essential dental sealants for young Idaho smiles.
*National Children’s Oral Health Foundation

Free Dental Benefits

As part of Delta Dental of Idaho’s community outreach efforts to improve the dental health of all Idahoans, the GrinWell for You program provides income-qualifying adults with an opportunity to receive dental benefits at no cost to them. Qualifying adults receive $1,850 in free dental care the first year and then purchase a subsidized preventive plan to maintain their oral health. Delta Dental of Idaho pays over half of the premium.

GrinWell for You

Grins on the Go

Introducing Land of Smiles

The Land of Smiles program is a fun, age-appropriate show that teaches children in kindergarten through third grade about good oral health care. Delta Dental of Idaho provides the Land of Smiles experience virtually for students. During this free and educational program, featuring characters Captain Super Grin and Caz Cavity, students learn about oral health habits, the best foods for healthy teeth, and why it is important to visit the dentist.

Schedule a Land of Smiles Oral Health Show Today!

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